perjantai 9. lokakuuta 2015

11.10. Room 8:9-10

Room 8: 9. Te ette kuitenkaan ole lihan vallassavaan
Hengen, jos kerran Jumalan
asuu teissä. Mutta jolla ei ole
Henkeä, se ei ole hänen
1. Kor. 3:16; 1. Joh. 3:24
Jos taas Kristus on teissä, ruumis
on kuollut synnin tähden, mutta
on elävä vanhurskauden tähden.
Jos nyt hänen Henkensä, hänen,
herätti Jeesuksen kuolleista,
teissä, niin hän, joka herätti kuolleista
Jeesuksen, tekee
myös teidän kuolevaiset ruumiinne
kautta, joka teissä

asuu. (Kol. 2:13 8:10. Kirj.: ”elämä”.)

Romans 8:9-10 (AMP)
However, you
are not [living] in the flesh [controlled by the sinful nature] but in the
Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God lives in you [directing and guiding you].
But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him
[and is not a child of God]. 10 If Christ lives in you, though your
[natural] body is dead because of sin, your spirit is alive because of
righteousness [which He provides].

Romans 8:9-10 (AMPC)
But you are not
living the life of the flesh, you are living the life of the Spirit, if the
[Holy] Spirit of God [really] dwells within you [directs and controls you]. But
if anyone does not possess the [Holy] Spirit of Christ, he is none of His [he
does not belong to Christ, is not truly a child of God].
10 But if Christ lives in you, [then although] your [natural] body
is dead by reason of sin and guilt, the spirit is alive because of [the]
righteousness [that He imputes to you].

Romans 8:9-11The Message (MSG)
But if God
himself has taken up residence in your life, you can hardly be thinking more of
yourself than of him. Anyone, of course, who has not welcomed this invisible
but clearly present God, the Spirit of Christ, won’t know what we’re talking
about. But for you who welcome him, in whom he dwells—even though you still
experience all the limitations of sin—you yourself experience life on God’s
terms. It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if the alive-and-present God who
raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he’ll do the same thing in you
that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive to himself? When God lives and
breathes in you (and he does, as surely as he did in Jesus), you are delivered
from that dead life. With his Spirit living in you, your body will be as alive
as Christ’s!

Romans 8:9-10Living Bible (TLB)
But you are not
like that. You are controlled by your new nature if you have the Spirit of God
living in you. (And remember that if anyone doesn’t have the Spirit of Christ
living in him, he is not a Christian at all.) 10 Yet, even though
Christ lives within you, your body will die because of sin; but your spirit
will live, for Christ has pardoned it.[

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