perjantai 4. syyskuuta 2015


Hebr 3:1. Sen
vuoksi, pyhät veljet, te, jotka

osallisia taivaallisesta kutsusta,
mielenne tunnustuksemme

ja ylipappiin, Jeesukseen.

Hepr. 4:14
 2. Hän on uskollinen asettajalleen,
niin kuin Mooseskin oli ”koko hänen
huoneessaan”. 4. Moos. 12:7

Hebrews 3 (AMP)3 So then,
brethren, consecrated and set apart for God, who share in the heavenly
calling, [thoughtfully and attentively] consider Jesus, the Apostle and High
Priest Whom we
confessed [as ours when we embraced the Christian faith].

2 [See how] faithful He was to Him Who appointed Him [Apostle and
High Priest], as Moses was also faithful in the whole house [of God].
Hebr 4:14 Inasmuch then as we have a
great High Priest Who has [already] ascended and passed through the
heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession [of faith in


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