2:12-14 Teidät on haudattu hänen kanssaan kasteessa, ja
siinä teidät on myös herätetty hänen kanssaan uskon kautta. Tämän uskon
vaikuttaa Jumala, joka herätti hänet kuolleista.
Room. 6:3,4; Ef. 2:6
13.Teidät, jotka olitte kuolleita rikkomuksissanne
ja lihanne ympärileikkaamattomuudessa, Jumala teki eläviksi yhdessä Kristuksen
kanssa. Hän antoi meille anteeksi kaikki rikkomukset Ps.103:3; Ef. 2:1,5,11
14.ja pyyhki pois sen kirjoituksen säädöksineen,
joka oli meitä vastaan ja oli vastustajamme. Sen hän otti pois tieltä ja
naulitsi ristiin. Ef. 2:15; 1. Piet.
Colossians 2:12-14Amplified Bible,
Classic Edition (AMPC)
12 [Thus [a]you were circumcised when]
you were buried with Him in [your] baptism, in which you were also raised with
Him [[b]to a new life] through
[your] faith in the working of God [[c]as displayed] when He raised
Him up from the dead.
13 And you who were dead in trespasses and in the
uncircumcision of your flesh (your sensuality, your sinful carnal nature),
[God] brought to life together with [Christ], having [freely] forgiven us all
our transgressions,
14 Having cancelled and blotted out and
wiped away the handwriting of the note (bond) with its legal decrees and
demands which was in force and stood against us (hostile to us). This
[note with its regulations, decrees, and demands] He set aside and
cleared [d]completely out of our way by
nailing it to [His] cross.
Footnotes: Colossians 2:12 Marvin Vincent, Word
Studies: “The aorist tense puts the burial as contemporaneous with the
Colossians 2:12-14Amplified Bible
12 having been buried with Him in baptism and
raised with Him [to a new life] through [your] faith in the working of God, [as
displayed] when He raised Christ from the dead. 13 When you
were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh (worldliness,
manner of life), God made you alive together with Christ, having [freely]
forgiven us all our sins, 14 having canceled out the [a]certificate of debt
consisting of [b]legal demands [which were in
force] against us and which were hostile to us. And this certificate He has set
aside and completely removed by nailing it to the cross.
Footnotes:Colossians 2:14 This term refers to a debtor’s
handwritten note acknowledging the debt.Colossians 2:14 I.e. the requirements
found in the Mosaic Law which were violated. The debt is the punishment due for
the violator’s sins. Gentiles were never directly liable to the Law, but as
Paul explains in Rom 2:12-16, God holds them responsible for violating the
principles of the Law that they acknowledge of their own volition.
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