sunnuntai 14. marraskuuta 2021

14.11.2021 Mat 18:24

Mat 18:24 Raamattu 1933/38 24 Ja kun hän rupesi tilintekoon, tuotiin hänen eteensä eräs, joka oli hänelle velkaa kymmenentuhatta leiviskää.

Matthew 18:24 Amplified Bible 24 When he began the accounting, one who owed him 10,000 [a]talents was brought to him.
Footnotes Matthew 18:24 A talent was a measurement of weight, usually 58-80 pounds. One talent of silver was worth more than 15 years’ wages. One talent of gold was worth even more. 10,000 talents would be an inconceivable amount of debt for a slave in the king’s service to repay

Matthew 18:24 AMPC When he began the accounting, one was brought to him who owed him 10,000 talents [probably about $10,000,000],

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