Kor. 1:30 Mutta hänestä on teidän olemisenne Kristuksessa Jeesuksessa,
joka on tullut meille viisaudeksi Jumalalta ja vanhurskaudeksi ja pyhitykseksi
ja lunastukseksi.
1 Corinthians 1:30Amplified Bible,
Classic Edition (AMPC)
But it is from Him that you have your life in
Christ Jesus, Whom God made our Wisdom from God, [revealed to us a knowledge of
the divine plan of salvation previously hidden, manifesting itself as] our
Righteousness [thus making us upright and putting us in right standing with
God], and our Consecration [making us pure and holy], and our Redemption
[providing our ransom from eternal penalty for sin].
Kor 5: 18. Kaikki tämä on Jumalasta,
Kristuksen kautta on sovittanut meidät
itsensä kanssa ja antanut meille
sovituksen viran. Room. 5:10; 2. Kor.
3:6;Joh. 4:10
Corinthians 5:18Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
all things are from God, Who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself
[received us into favor, brought us into harmony with Himself] and gave to us
the ministry of reconciliation [that by
word and deed we might aim to bring others
into harmony with Him].
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