lauantai 31. elokuuta 2024

31.08.2024 1 Samuelin 16:7

1 Samuelin 16:7 Raamattu 1933/38 7 Mutta Herra sanoi Samuelille: "Älä katso hänen näköänsä äläkä kookasta vartaloansa, sillä minä olen hänet hyljännyt. Sillä ei ole, niinkuin ihminen näkee: ihminen näkee ulkomuodon, mutta Herra näkee sydämen."

 1 Samuel 16:7 Amplified Bible 7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks [a]at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Footnotes 1 Samuel 16:7 Lit with the eyes.

1 Samuel 16:7 New Living Translation 7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

perjantai 30. elokuuta 2024

30.08.2024 Room 5:3

Room 5:3 Raamattu 1933/38 3 Eikä ainoastaan se, vaan meidän kerskauksenamme ovat myös ahdistukset, sillä me tiedämme, että ahdistus saa aikaan kärsivällisyyttä,

Romans 5:3 Amplified Bible 3 And not only this, but [with joy] let us exult in our sufferings and rejoice in our hardships, knowing that hardship (distress, pressure, trouble) produces patient endurance;

Romans 5:3 New Living Translation 3 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.

torstai 29. elokuuta 2024

29.08.2024 1 Piet 5:7

1 Piet 5:7 Raamattu 1933/38 7 ja "heittäkää kaikki murheenne hänen päällensä, sillä hän pitää teistä huolen".

1 Peter 5:7 Amplified Bible 7 casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].

1 Peter 5:7 New Living Translation  7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 

keskiviikko 28. elokuuta 2024

28.08.2024 Ps 5:11-12

Ps 5:11-12 Raamattu 1933/38  11 Tuomitse, Jumala, heidät syyllisiksi, rauetkoon heidän hankkeensa. Kukista heidät heidän rikostensa paljouden tähden, sillä he niskoittelevat sinua vastaan. 12 Ja iloitkoot kaikki, jotka sinuun turvaavat, ja riemuitkoot iankaikkisesti. Suojele heitä, että sinussa iloitsisivat ne, jotka rakastavat sinun nimeäsi.

Psalm 5:11-12 Amplified Bible

11 But let all who take refuge and put their trust in You rejoice,

Let them ever sing for joy;

Because You cover and shelter them,

Let those who love Your name be joyful and exult in You.

12 For You, O Lord, bless the righteous man [the one who is in right standing with You];

You surround him with favor as with a shield.


Psalm 5:11-12 New Living Translation

11 But let all who take refuge in you rejoice;

    let them sing joyful praises forever.

Spread your protection over them,

    that all who love your name may be filled with joy.

12 For you bless the godly, O Lord;

    you surround them with your shield of love.

tiistai 27. elokuuta 2024

27.08.2024 Room 5:3

Room 5:3 Raamattu 1933/38

3 Eikä ainoastaan se, vaan meidän kerskauksenamme ovat myös ahdistukset, sillä me tiedämme, että ahdistus saa aikaan kärsivällisyyttä,

Romans 5:3 NLT  "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance." 

maanantai 26. elokuuta 2024

26.08.2024 Mat 6:13

Mat  6:13 Raamattu 1933/38 13 äläkä saata meitä kiusaukseen; vaan päästä meidät pahasta, <sillä sinun on valtakunta ja voima ja kunnia iankaikkisesti. Amen.>

Matthew 6:13 Amplified Bible
13 ‘And do not [a]lead us into temptation, but deliver us from [b]evil. [c][For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.]’ 
Footnotes Matthew 6:13 I.e. lead us away from situations where we are vulnerable and have the opportunity to sin. God does not tempt man (see James 1:13) but does allow man to be tested.
Matthew 6:13 Or the evil one.
Matthew 6:13 This clause is not found in early mss.

Matthew 6:13 New Living Translation
13 And don’t let us yield to temptation,[a]
    but rescue us from the evil one.[b]  Footnotes 6:13a Or And keep us from being tested.
6:13b Or from evil. Some manuscripts add For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

sunnuntai 25. elokuuta 2024

25.08.2024 Ps 63:2

Ps 63:2 KR33/38 Jumala, sinä olet minun Jumalani, sinua minä etsin varhain; sinua minun sieluni janoaa, sinua halajaa minun ruumiini kuivassa ja nääntyvässä, vedettömässä maassa.

Psalms 63:1 NLT "O God, you are my God;  I earnestly search for you.My soul thirsts for you;  my whole body longs for youin this parched and weary land  where there is no water." 


lauantai 24. elokuuta 2024

24.08.2024 Ps 66:18-19

 Ps 66:18-19 KR33/38

18 Jos minulla olisi vääryys sydämessäni, ei Herra minua kuulisi.

19 Mutta Jumala kuuli minua ja otti vaarin minun rukoukseni äänestä.

20 Kiitetty olkoon Jumala, joka ei hyljännyt minun rukoustani eikä ottanut minulta pois armoansa. 

Psalms 66:18 NLT "If I had not confessed the sin in my heart,  the Lord would not have listened." 

19But God did listen!  He paid attention to my prayer.

20Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer  or withdraw his unfailing love from me.

perjantai 23. elokuuta 2024

23.08.2024 Room 8:23


Room 8:23KR33:38 eikä ainoastaan se, vaan myös me, joilla on Hengen esikoislahja, mekin huokaamme sisimmässämme, odottaen lapseksi-ottamista, meidän ruumiimme lunastusta.

Romans 8:23 NLT "And we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as his adopted children,* including the new bodies he has promised us.8" 

torstai 22. elokuuta 2024

22.08.2024 Mark 7:13

Mark 7:13 KR 33 38 Te teette Jumalan sanan tyhjäksi perinnäissäännöllänne, jonka olette säätäneet. Ja paljon muuta samankaltaista te teette."

Mark 7:13 AMPC Thus you ar nullifying and making void and of no effect [the authority of] the Word of God through your tradition, which you [in turn] hand on. And many things of this kind you are doing.

keskiviikko 21. elokuuta 2024

21.08.2024 Room 12:10

Room 12:10 Raamattu 1933/38 10 Olkaa veljellisessä rakkaudessa helläsydämiset toisianne kohtaan; toinen toisenne kunnioittamisessa kilpailkaa keskenänne.

 Romans 12:10 Amplified Bible 10 Be devoted to one another with [authentic] brotherly affection [as members of one family], give preference to one another in honor;

tiistai 20. elokuuta 2024

20.08.2024 Jes 66:2


Jes 66:2 Raamattu 1933/38 2 Minun käteni on kaikki nämä tehnyt, ja niin ovat kaikki nämä syntyneet, sanoo Herra. Mutta minä katson sen puoleen, joka on nöyrä, jolla on särjetty henki ja arka tunto minun sanani edessä.

Jesajan kirja 66:2 FB92 2”Kaiken tämän on minun käteni tehnyt, niin nämä ovat syntyneet, sanoo Herra. Köyhää minä katson, köyhää, hengeltään särkynyttä, sanani alla arkaa.”

Biblia (1776) Jes. 66:2 Ja minun käteni on kaikki nämät tehnyt ja kaikki nämät ovat tehdyt, sanoo Herra; mutta minä katson sen puoleen, joka raadollinen ja särjetyllä hengellä on, ja joka vapisee minun sanani edessä. 

KJV (1789) Jes. 66:2 For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.

Isaiah 66:2 Amplified Bible 2  “For all these things My hand has made,So all these things came into being [by and for Me],” declares the Lord.“But to this one I will look [graciously],To him who is humble and contrite in spirit, and who [reverently] trembles at My word and honors My commands.


maanantai 19. elokuuta 2024

19.08.2024 Jaak 1:19


Jaak 1:19 KR33 38 Te tiedätte sen, rakkaat veljeni. Mutta olkoon jokainen ihminen nopea kuulemaan, hidas puhumaan, hidas vihaan;

James 1:19 NIV 19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

sunnuntai 18. elokuuta 2024

18.08.2024 Ps 78:39

Ps 78:39 KR 33 38 Sillä hän muisti, että he ovat liha, tuulahdus, joka menee eikä enää palaja.

Psalms 78:39 AMPC For He [earnestly] remembered that they were but flesh, a wind that goes and does not return. 

lauantai 17. elokuuta 2024

17.08.2024 Luuk 14:31

Luuk 14:31 KR 33 38 Tahi jos joku kuningas tahtoo lähteä sotimaan toista kuningasta vastaan, eikö hän ensin istu ja pidä neuvoa, kykeneekö hän kymmenellä tuhannella kohtaamaan sitä, joka tulee häntä vastaan kahdellakymmenellä tuhannella?

Luke 14:31 AMPC Or what king, going out to engage in conflict with another king, will not first sit down and consider and take counsel whether he is able with ten thousand [men] to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand?


perjantai 16. elokuuta 2024

16.08.2024 2 Joh 1:8

2 Joh 1:8 Ottakaa vaari itsestänne, ettette menetä sitä, minkä me olemme työllämme aikaansaaneet, vaan että saatte täyden palkan.

2 John 1:8 Look to yourselves (take care) that you may not lose (throw away or destroy) all that we and you have labored for, but that you may [persevere until you] win and receive back a perfect reward [in full].



torstai 15. elokuuta 2024

15.08.2024 1 Moos 13:15

1 Moos 13:15 Raamattu 1933/38 15 Sillä kaiken maan, jonka näet, minä annan sinulle ja sinun jälkeläisillesi ikuisiksi ajoiksi.

Genesis 13:15 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 15 For all the land which you see I will give to you and to your posterity forever.

Genesis 13:15 New Living Translation 15 I am giving all this land, as far as you can see, to you and your descendants[a] as a permanent possession. Footnotes 13:15 Hebrew seed; also in 13:16.

Genesis 13:15 New International Version 15 All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring[a] forever. Footnotes Genesis 13:15 Or seed; also in verse 16

keskiviikko 14. elokuuta 2024

14.08.2024 1 Moos 12:7

1 Moos  12:7 Raamattu 1933/38 7 Silloin Herra ilmestyi Abramille ja sanoi: "Sinun jälkeläisillesi minä annan tämän maan". Niin hän rakensi sinne alttarin Herralle, joka oli hänelle ilmestynyt.

Genesis 12:7 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 7 Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, I will give this land to your posterity. So Abram built an altar there to the Lord, Who had appeared to him.

Genesis 12:7 New Living Translation 7 Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, “I will give this land to your descendants.[a]” And Abram built an altar there and dedicated it to the Lord, who had appeared to him. Footnotes 12:7 Hebrew seed.

Genesis 12:7 New International Version 7 The Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your offspring[a] I will give this land.” So he built an altar there to the Lord, who had appeared to him. Footnotes Genesis 12:7 Or seed

tiistai 13. elokuuta 2024

13.08.2024 Gal 3:16

Gal 3:16 Raamattu 1933/38 16 Mutta nyt lausuttiin lupaukset Aabrahamille ja hänen siemenelleen. Hän ei sano: "Ja siemenille", ikäänkuin monesta, vaan ikäänkuin yhdestä: "Ja sinun siemenellesi", joka on Kristus.

Galatians 3:16 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 16 Now the promises (covenants, agreements) were decreed and made to Abraham and his Seed (his Offspring, his Heir). He [God] does not say, And to seeds (descendants, heirs), as if referring to many persons, but, And to your Seed (your Descendant, your Heir), obviously referring to one individual, Who is [none other than] Christ (the Messiah).

Galatians 3:16 New Living Translation 16 God gave the promises to Abraham and his child.[a] And notice that the Scripture doesn’t say “to his children,[b]” as if it meant many descendants. Rather, it says “to his child”—and that, of course, means Christ. Footnotes 3:16a Greek seed; also in 3:16c, 19. See notes on Gen 12:7 and 13:15. 3:16b Greek seeds.

Galatians 3:16 New International Version 16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to your seed,”[a] meaning one person, who is Christ. Footnotes Galatians 3:16 Gen. 12:7; 13:15; 24:7


maanantai 12. elokuuta 2024

12.08.2024 Luuk 1:32-33

 Luuk 1:32-33Raamattu 1933/38 32 Hän on oleva suuri, ja hänet pitää kutsuttaman Korkeimman Pojaksi, ja Herra Jumala antaa hänelle Daavidin, hänen isänsä, valtaistuimen,

33 ja hän on oleva Jaakobin huoneen kuningas iankaikkisesti, ja hänen valtakunnallansa ei pidä loppua oleman."

Luke 1:32-33 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 32 He will be great (eminent) and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give to Him the throne of His forefather David,

33 And He will reign over the house of Jacob throughout the ages; and of His reign there will be no end.

Luke 1:32-33 New Living Translation 32 He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. 33 And he will reign over Israel[a] forever; his Kingdom will never end!” Footnotes 1:33 Greek over the house of Jacob.

Luke 1:32-33 New International Version 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”


sunnuntai 11. elokuuta 2024

11.08.2024 Jesajan 9:7

Jesajan 9:7 Raamattu 1933/38
7 Herra lähetti sanan Jaakobia vastaan, ja se iski Israeliin,

Isaiah 9:7 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
7 Of the increase of His government and of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from the [latter] time forth, even forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Isaiah 9:7 New Living Translation
7 His government and its peace
    will never end.
He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David
    for all eternity.
The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies
    will make this happen!

Isaiah 9:7 New International Version
7 Of the greatness of his government and peace
    there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
    and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
    with justice and righteousness
    from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty
    will accomplish this.

lauantai 10. elokuuta 2024

10.08.2024 Ps18:18

Ps18:18 Raamattu 1933/38  18 hän pelasti minut voimallisesta vihollisestani, minun vihamiehistäni, sillä he olivat minua väkevämmät.

Psalm 18:18 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
18 They confronted and came upon me in the day of my calamity, but the Lord was my stay and support.

Psalm 18:18 New Living Translation
18 They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress,
    but the Lord supported me.

Psalm 18:18 New International Version
18 They confronted me in the day of my disaster,
    but the Lord was my support.

perjantai 9. elokuuta 2024

09.08.2024 2 Tess 1:11-12

 2 Tess 1:11-12 Raamattu 1933/38 11 Sitä varten me aina rukoilemmekin teidän puolestanne, että meidän Jumalamme katsoisi teidät kutsumisensa arvoisiksi ja voimallisesti saattaisi täydelliseksi kaiken teidän halunne hyvään ja teidän uskonne teot,

12 että meidän Herramme Jeesuksen nimi teissä kirkastuisi ja te hänessä, meidän Jumalamme ja Herran Jeesuksen Kristuksen armon mukaan.

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
11 With this in view we constantly pray for you, that our God may deem and count you worthy of [your] calling and [His] every gracious purpose of goodness, and with power may complete in [your] every particular work of faith (faith which is that [a]leaning of the whole human personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness).
12 Thus may the name of our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified and become more glorious through and in you, and may you [also be glorified] in Him according to the grace (favor and blessing) of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
Footnotes 2 Thessalonians 1:11 Alexander Souter, Pocket Lexicon of the Greek New Testament.
2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 New Living Translation
11 So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. 12 Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live, and you will be honored along with him. This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.[a] Footnotes
1:12 Or of our God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 New International Version
11 With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith. 12 We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.[a] Footnotes 2 Thessalonians 1:12 Or God and Lord, Jesus Christ

torstai 8. elokuuta 2024

08.08.2024 Room 15:13

 Room 15:13 Raamattu 1933/38 13 Mutta toivon Jumala täyttäköön teidät kaikella ilolla ja rauhalla uskossa, niin että teillä olisi runsas toivo Pyhän Hengen voiman kautta.

Romans 15:13 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
13 May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope.

Romans 15:13 New Living Translation
13 I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13 New International Version
13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

keskiviikko 7. elokuuta 2024

07.08.2024 Joh 3:27

Joh 3:27 Raamattu 1933/38 27 Johannes vastasi ja sanoi: "Ei ihminen voi ottaa mitään, ellei hänelle anneta taivaasta.

John 3:27 New International Version 27 To this John replied, “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven.

John 3:27 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 27 John answered, A man can receive nothing [he can claim nothing, he can [a]take unto himself nothing] except as it has been granted to him from heaven. [A man must be content to receive the gift which is given him from heaven; there is no other source.] Footnotes John 3:27 Joseph Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.

tiistai 6. elokuuta 2024

06.08.2024 1 Aikakirja 29:18

1 Aikakirja 29:18 Raamattu 1933/38 18 Herra, meidän isäimme Aabrahamin, Iisakin ja Israelin Jumala, säilytä tällaisina ainiaan kansasi sydämen ajatukset ja aivoitukset ja ohjaa heidän sydämensä puoleesi.

1 Chronicles 29:18 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 18 O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our fathers, keep forever such purposes and thoughts in the minds of Your people, and direct and establish their hearts toward You.

1 Chronicles 29:18 New Living Translation 18 “O Lord, the God of our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, make your people always want to obey you. See to it that their love for you never changes.

1 Chronicles 29:18 New International Version 18 Lord, the God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Israel, keep these desires and thoughts in the hearts of your people forever, and keep their hearts loyal to you.




maanantai 5. elokuuta 2024

05.08.2024 Ps 44:22

 Ps 44:22 KR33/38 eikö Jumala olisi sitä tutkituksi saanut, sillä hän tuntee sydämen salaisuudet?

Psalm 44:21 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition

21 Would not God discover this? For He knows the secrets of the heart.

Psalm 44:21 New Living Translation

21 God would surely have known it,

    for he knows the secrets of every heart.

Psalm 44:21 New International Version

21 would not God have discovered it,

    since he knows the secrets of the heart?



sunnuntai 4. elokuuta 2024

04.08.2024 Mark 9:16

Mark 9:16  KR33/38 Ja hän kysyi heiltä: "Mitä te väittelette heidän kanssaan?" 

Mark 9:16 AMPC And He asked them, About what are you questioning and discussing with them?


lauantai 3. elokuuta 2024

03.08.2024 Ps 89:14-18

Ps 89:14-18 Raamattu 1933/38

14 Sinulla on käsivarsi voimaa täynnä, väkevä on sinun kätesi, korotettu sinun oikea kätesi.

15 Vanhurskaus ja oikeus on sinun valtaistuimesi perustus, armo ja totuus käy sinun kasvojesi edellä.

16 Autuas se kansa, joka tuntee juhlariemun, ne, jotka vaeltavat sinun kasvojesi valkeudessa, Herra!

17 He riemuitsevat sinun nimestäsi kaikkina päivinänsä, ja sinun vanhurskautesi voimasta heidät korotetaan.

18 Sillä sinä olet heidän väkevyytensä, heidän kaunistuksensa, ja sinä armossasi kohotat meidän sarvemme.


Psalm 89:14-18 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition

14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and loving-kindness and truth go before Your face.

15 Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are the people who know the joyful sound [who understand and appreciate the spiritual blessings symbolized by the feasts]; they walk, O Lord, in the light and favor of Your countenance!

16 In Your name they rejoice all the day, and in Your righteousness they are exalted.

17 For You are the glory of their strength [their proud adornment], and by Your favor our horn is exalted and we walk with uplifted faces!

18 For our shield belongs to the Lord, and our king to the Holy One of Israel.


Psalm 89:14-18 New Living Translation

14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne.

    Unfailing love and truth walk before you as attendants.

15 Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship,

    for they will walk in the light of your presence, Lord.

16 They rejoice all day long in your wonderful reputation.

    They exult in your righteousness.

17 You are their glorious strength.

    It pleases you to make us strong.

18 Yes, our protection comes from the Lord,

    and he, the Holy One of Israel, has given us our king.


Psalm 89:14-18 New International Version

14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne;

    love and faithfulness go before you.

15 Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you,

    who walk in the light of your presence, Lord.

16 They rejoice in your name all day long;

    they celebrate your righteousness.

17 For you are their glory and strength,

    and by your favor you exalt our horn.[a]

18 Indeed, our shield[b] belongs to the Lord,

    our king to the Holy One of Israel. Footnotes Psalm 89:17 Horn here symbolizes strong one. Psalm 89:18 Or sovereign

perjantai 2. elokuuta 2024

02.08.2024 Filemon 4-7

Filemonille 4-7 Raamattu 1933/38

4 Minä kiitän Jumalaani aina, muistaessani sinua rukouksissani,

5 sillä minä olen kuullut sinun rakkaudestasi ja uskostasi, joka sinulla on Herraan Jeesukseen ja kaikkia pyhiä kohtaan;

6 ja rukoukseni on, että sinun uskosi, se usko, joka on meille yhteinen, olisi väkevä kaiken hyvän tuntemisessa, mikä meillä Kristuksessa on.

7 Sillä minä olen saanut paljon iloa ja lohdutusta sinun rakkaudestasi, koska pyhien sydämet ovat virvoittuneet sinun kauttasi, veljeni.


Philemon 4-7 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition

4 I give thanks to my God for you always when I mention you in my prayers,

5 Because I continue to hear of your love and of your loyal faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and [which you show] toward all the saints (God’s consecrated people).

6 [And I pray] that the participation in and sharing of your faith may produce and promote full recognition and appreciation and understanding and precise knowledge of every good [thing] that is ours in [our identification with] Christ Jesus [and unto His glory].

7 For I have derived great joy and comfort and encouragement from your love, because the hearts of the saints [who are your fellow Christians] have been cheered and refreshed through you, [my] brother.

Philemon 4-7 New Living Translation Paul’s Thanksgiving and Prayer

4 I always thank my God when I pray for you, Philemon, 5 because I keep hearing about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all of God’s people. 6 And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ. 7 Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God’s people.

Philemon 4-7 New International Version Thanksgiving and Prayer

4 I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, 5 because I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in the Lord Jesus. 6 I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ. 7 Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people


torstai 1. elokuuta 2024

01.08.2024 Juud 20-21

Juud 20-21 Raamattu 1933/38 20 Mutta te, rakkaani, rakentakaa itseänne pyhimmän uskonne perustukselle, rukoilkaa Pyhässä Hengessä

21 ja pysyttäkää niin itsenne Jumalan rakkaudessa, odottaessanne meidän Herramme Jeesuksen Kristuksen laupeutta iankaikkiseksi elämäksi.

Jude 20-21 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 20 But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [[a]make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit;

21 Guard and keep yourselves in the love of God; expect and patiently wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)—[which will bring you] unto life eternal. Footnotes Jude 1:20 Joseph Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.

Jude 20-21 New Living Translation 20 But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit,[a] 21 and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. In this way, you will keep yourselves safe in God’s love. Footnotes 20 Greek pray in the Holy Spirit.

Jude 20-21 New International Version 20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.