torstai 5. syyskuuta 2024

05.09.2024 Ps 39:9-11

Ps 39:9-11 Raamattu 1933/38

9 Päästä minut kaikista synneistäni, älä pane minua houkkain pilkaksi.

10 Minä vaikenen enkä suutani avaa; sillä sinä sen teit.

11 Käännä vitsauksesi minusta pois, sillä minä menehdyn sinun kätesi kuritukseen.


Psalm 39:9-11 Amplified Bible

9 “I am mute, I do not open my mouth,

Because it is You who has done it.

10 “Remove Your plague from me;

I am wasting away because of the conflict and opposition of Your hand.

11 “With rebukes You discipline man for sin;

You consume like a moth what is precious to him;

Surely every man is a mere breath [a wisp of smoke, a vapor that vanishes]. Selah.


Psalm 39:9-11 New Living Translation

9 I am silent before you; I won’t say a word,

    for my punishment is from you.

10 But please stop striking me!

    I am exhausted by the blows from your hand.

11 When you discipline us for our sins,

    you consume like a moth what is precious to us.

    Each of us is but a breath. Interlude

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