Mat 24:44 KR33/38 Sentähden olkaa tekin
valmiit, sillä sinä hetkenä, jona ette luule, Ihmisen Poika tulee.
Matthew 24:44
NLT "You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come
when least expected."
Mat 24:44 KR33/38 Sentähden olkaa tekin
valmiit, sillä sinä hetkenä, jona ette luule, Ihmisen Poika tulee.
Matthew 24:44
NLT "You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come
when least expected."
Mat 5:3-6 KR33/38 "Autuaita ovat hengellisesti köyhät, sillä heidän on taivasten valtakunta. Autuaita ovat murheelliset, sillä he saavat lohdutuksen. Autuaita ovat hiljaiset, sillä he saavat maan periä. Autuaita ovat ne, jotka isoavat ja janoavat vanhurskautta, sillä heidät ravitaan.
Matthew 5:3 NLT ""God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him,* for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted. God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth. God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice,* for they will be satisfied."
Mat 24:44 KR33/38 Sentähden olkaa tekin valmiit, sillä sinä hetkenä, jona ette luule, Ihmisen Poika tulee.
Matthew 24:44
NLT "You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come
when least expected."
Ps 37:34 KR33/38 Odota Herraa ja ota vaari hänen tiestänsä, niin hän korottaa sinut, ja sinä perit maan ja näet, kuinka jumalattomat hävitetään.
Ps 37:34 AMPC
Wait for and expect the Lord and keep and heed His way, and He will exalt
you to inherit the land; [in the end] when the wicked are cut off, you shall
see it.
Mark 7:9 KR33/38 Ja hän sanoi heille: "Hyvin te kumoatte Jumalan käskyn noudattaaksenne omaa perinnäissääntöänne.
Mark 7:9 AMPC
And He said to them, You have a fine way of rejecting [thus thwarting and
nullifying and doing away with] the commandment of God in order to keep your
tradition (your own human regulations)!
Mat 9:8 KR33/38 Mutta kun kansanjoukot sen näkivät, peljästyivät he ja ylistivät Jumalaa, joka oli antanut senkaltaisen vallan ihmisille.
Matthew 9:8
AMPC When the crowds saw it, they were struck with fear and awe; and they
recognized God and praised and thanked Him, Who had given such power and
authority to men.
Luuk 8:14 KR33/38 Mikä taas orjantappuroihin putosi, ne ovat ne, jotka kuulevat, mutta vaeltaessaan tukehtuvat tämän elämän huoliin, rikkauteen ja hekumoihin, eivätkä tuota kypsää hedelmää.
Luke 8:14 AMPC
And as for what fell among the thorns, these are [the people] who hear, but as
they go on their way they are choked and suffocated with the anxieties and
cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not ripen (come to
maturity and perfection).
Luke 8:14 NIV
The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on
their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do
not mature.
Luke 8:14
NLT"The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear the
message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches
and pleasures of this life. And so they
never grow into maturity."
Filemon 1:5 KR33/38 sillä minä olen kuullut sinun rakkaudestasi ja uskostasi, joka sinulla on Herraan Jeesukseen ja kaikkia pyhiä kohtaan;
Philemon 1:5
AMPC Because I continue to hear of your love and of your loyal faith which you
have toward the Lord Jesus and [which you show] toward all the saints (God's
consecrated people).
Ps12:6 KR33/38 Herran sanat ovat selkeitä sanoja, hopeata, joka kirkkaana valuu sulattimesta maahan, seitsenkertaisesti puhdistettua.
Ps12:6 AMPC The
words and promises of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in an
earthen furnace, purified seven times over.
Gal 6:2 KR33/38 Kantakaa toistenne kuormia, ja niin te täytätte Kristuksen lain.
Gal 6:2 NIV
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
2 Samuel 23:4 KR33/38 hän on niinkuin huomenhohde auringon noustessa pilvettömänä aamuna, kun maa kirkkaassa valossa vihannoi sateen jälkeen'.
2 Samuel 23:4
AMPC He dawns on them like the morning light when the sun rises on a cloudless
morning, when the tender grass springs out of the earth through clear shining
after rain.
Psalmien 47:9 Raamattu 1933/38
9 Jumala on kansojen kuningas, Jumala istuu pyhällä istuimellansa.
11 Kansojen päämiehet kokoontuvat
Aabrahamin Jumalan kansaksi. Sillä maan kilvet ovat Jumalan; hän on ylen
Psalm 47:9 Amplified
9 The princes of the people have gathered together as the people of the
God of Abraham,
For the shields of the earth belong to God;
He is highly exalted.
Psalm 47:9 New Living Translation
9 The rulers of the world have gathered together
with the people of the God of Abraham.
For all the kings of the earth belong to God.
He is highly honored everywhere
Psalm 47:9 AMPC
The princes and nobles of the peoples are gathered together, a [united] people
for the God of Abraham, for the shields of the earth belong to God; He is
highly exalted.
Laulujen laulu 5:14 Raamattu 1933/38 14 Hänen käsivartensa ovat kultatangot, krysoliittejä täynnä. Hänen lantionsa on norsunluinen taideteos, safiireilla peitetty.
Song of Solomon 5:14 Amplified Bible
14 “His
hands are rods of gold
Set with beryl;
His abdomen is a
figure of carved ivory
Inlaid with
Song of Songs 5:14 New International Version
14 His arms
are rods of gold
with topaz.
His body is like
polished ivory
with lapis lazuli.
AMPC Song of Solomon
5:14 His hands are like rods of gold set with [nails of] beryl or topaz. His
body is a figure of bright ivory overlaid with [veins of] sapphires.
Mat 25:34 KR33/38
34 Silloin Kuningas sanoo oikealla
puolellaan oleville: 'Tulkaa, minun Isäni siunatut, ja omistakaa se valtakunta,
joka on ollut teille valmistettuna maailman perustamisesta asti.
25:34 Amplified Bible
34 “Then
the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father [you
favored of God, appointed to eternal salvation], inherit the kingdom prepared
for you from the foundation of the world.
1 Piet 2:9 KR33/38 Mutta te olette "valittu suku, kuninkaallinen papisto, pyhä heimo, omaisuuskansa, julistaaksenne sen jaloja tekoja", joka on pimeydestä kutsunut teidät ihmeelliseen valkeuteensa;
1 Pet 2:9 NIV
9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s
special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out
of darkness into his wonderful light.
Tiitus 2:14 KR33/38 hänen, joka antoi itsensä meidän edestämme lunastaakseen meidät kaikesta laittomuudesta ja puhdistaakseen itselleen omaisuudeksi kansan, joka hyviä tekoja ahkeroitsee.
Titus 2:14
NLT "He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us,
and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good
Ef 2:8-9 KR33/38 Sillä armosta te olette pelastetut uskon
kautta, ette itsenne kautta - se on Jumalan lahja -ette tekojen kautta, ettei
kukaan kerskaisi.
Ef 2:8-9 NIV For it is by grace you
have been saved, through faith —and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift
of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.
2 Piet 1:16 Raamattu 1933/38
16 Sillä me emme seuranneet viekkaasti sommiteltuja taruja tehdessämme
teille tiettäväksi Herramme Jeesuksen Kristuksen voimaa ja tulemusta, vaan me
olimme omin silmin nähneet hänen valtasuuruutensa.
2 Peter 1:16 Amplified
16 For we did not follow cleverly devised stories or myths when we made
known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were
[a]eyewitnesses of His majesty [His grandeur, His authority, His sovereignty]. Footnotes 2 Peter 1:16 A reference to the
transfiguration (Matt 17:1ff).
2 Peter 1:16 New Living Translation
16 For we were not making up clever stories when we told you about the
powerful coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We
saw his majestic splendor with our own eyes
Ps 35:21 KR33/38 He avaavat suunsa ammolleen minua vastaan ja sanovat: "Kas niin, kas niin! Nyt me sen omin silmin näemme!"
Psalms 35:21
AMPC Yes, they open their mouths wide against me; they say, Aha! Aha! Our eyes have seen it!
Titus 1:9 KR33/38 hänen tulee pysyä kiinni opinmukaisessa, luotettavassa sanassa, että olisi kykenevä sekä neuvomaan terveellä opilla että kumoamaan vastaansanojain väitteet.
Titus 1:9 AMPC
He must hold fast to the sure and trustworthy Word of God as he was taught it,
so that he may be able both to give stimulating instruction and encouragement
in sound (wholesome) doctrine and to refute and convict those who contradict
and oppose it [showing the wayward their error].
Mark 8:22 Raamattu 1933/38
22 Ja he tulivat Beetsaidaan. Ja hänen tykönsä tuotiin sokea, ja he
pyysivät, että hän koskisi häneen.
Mark 8:22 Amplified
22 Then they came to Bethsaida; and some people brought a blind man to
Jesus and begged Him to touch him.
Mark 8:22 AMPC And they came to Bethsaida. And [people] brought to Him a blind
man and begged Him to touch him.
Mark 8:22 New Living Translation
Jesus Heals a Blind Man
22 When they arrived at Bethsaida, some people brought a blind man to
Jesus, and they begged him to touch the man and heal him.
Malakia 3:16 Raamattu 1933/38
16 Silloin myös Herraa pelkääväiset puhuvat toinen toisensa kanssa, ja
Herra tarkkaa ja kuulee; ja muistokirja kirjoitetaan hänen edessänsä niiden
hyväksi, jotka Herraa pelkäävät ja hänen nimensä kunniassa pitävät.
Malachi 3:16 Amplified
The Book of Remembrance
16 Then those who feared the Lord [with awe-filled reverence] spoke to one
another; and the Lord paid attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance
was written before Him of those who fear the Lord [with an attitude of
reverence and respect] and who esteem His name.
Malachi 3:16 AMPC Then those who feared the Lord talked often one to another;
and the Lord listened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written
before Him of those who reverenced and worshipfully feared the Lord and who
thought on His name.
Malachi 3:16 New Living Translation
The Lord’s Promise of Mercy
16 Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each other, and the Lord
listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was
written to record the names of those who feared him and always thought about
the honor of his name
Ps 90:14 Raamattu 1933/38
14 Ravitse aamulla meitä armollasi, suo meille iloa ja riemua kaikkina
Psalm 90:14 AMPC
O satisfy us with Your mercy and loving-kindness in the morning [now, before we
are older], that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
Psalm 90:14 Amplified
14 O satisfy us with Your lovingkindness in the morning [now, before we
grow older],
That we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
Psalm 90:14 New Living Translation
14 Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives
Ps 50:6 KR33/38 Ja taivaat julistavat hänen vanhurskauttansa, sillä Jumala on tuomari. Sela.
Psalm 50:6 AMPC
And the heavens declare His righteousness (rightness and justice), for God, He
is judge. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!
Ps 34:23 Raamattu 1933/38
23 Herra lunastaa palvelijainsa sielut, eikä yksikään, joka häneen turvaa,
tule syynalaiseksi.
Psalm 34:22 AMPC
The Lord redeems the lives of His servants, and none of those who take refuge
and trust in Him shall be condemned or held guilty.
Psalm 34:22 Amplified
22 The Lord redeems the soul of His servants,
And none of those who take refuge in Him will be condemned.
Psalm 34:22 New Living Translation
22 But the Lord will redeem those who serve him.
No one who takes refuge in him will be condemned
Jaak 1:17 KR33/38 Jokainen hyvä anti ja jokainen täydellinen lahja tulee ylhäältä, valkeuksien Isältä, jonka tykönä ei ole muutosta, ei vaihteen varjoa.
James 1:17 AMPC
Every good gift and every perfect (free, large, full) gift is from above; it
comes down from the Father of all [that gives] light, in [the shining of] Whom
there can be no variation [rising or setting] or shadow cast by His turning [as
in an eclipse].
Ps 119:20 KR33/38 Minun sieluni hiukeaa ikävöidessäni alati sinun oikeuksiasi.
Ps 119:20 AMPC
My heart is breaking with the longing that it has for Your ordinances and
judgments at all times.
Mat 21:44 KR33/38 Ja
joka tähän kiveen kaatuu, se ruhjoutuu, mutta jonka päälle se kaatuu, sen se
Matthew 21:44 AMPC And whoever falls on this Stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom It falls will be crushed to powder [and It will winnow him, scattering him like dust]. [Isa. 8:14; Dan. 2:34, 35.]